Friday, July 8, 2011



MomPerson gots dis biiiiiiiig pakitch. Two of em. Really akshually.
She very scited. We too stannin onna couch barkin at da brown truk. BRAINS BRAINS!!
But noooo.
She opent it an it dat musik fing she ordert. What she say when she seen it in reel life was

"Oh my god whut have i done?"

It sumfin callt a KEEBORT.
It bin 3 daze now an she kin turn it on an off ok.

Sometime she sit an go plink plinkplink.

We gotta say she uh......she.....deetermint. Not good, mind youse, but determint.
plink plinky plinky plink. plonk. oops. (Lotsa dem "oops")

She got it plugged inna wall. We finking mebbe it time to hep mail da bills. Hep DadPerson put da nvelops in da mailthings. Or sumfin.
Livin ousside lookin possibull.

The End for Now.

1 comment:

  1. lois, buster, miss sally who & lowla the fosterJuly 8, 2011 at 11:25 PM

    a few years ago one of the other condo neighbors got one...& he mastered one tune. somewhere over the rainbow. played it over & over & over. yeah it was special. took him a long time to get to that point. much practice. much drinking & illegal materials.

    would sit up on his balcony & play the same least he didn't try to sing along..he would how ever try to use the different instraments & beats just to change things up a bit. very special.

    took the rest of the units much of the same to deal with him. thankfully he soon had a breakdown & moved away. don't know what happened to the keyboard.

    tell the boys i will send things to help them deal iffen they need a doggie care package. i understand.
