Friday, January 6, 2012


Over the years I have gained a lot of weight.
This is what I used to look like, altho even here I had begun to put on a few pounds. This is Quiller, so it is before 2000.

This is what I look like now. Since it is Nigel in the cart, you know the photo is recent. My husband, who doesn't lie, says it is flattering:

What a COW!
So once again I joined Weight Watchers. The first meeting was last night. It is run by the Energizer Bunny. I get exhuasted watching her.
I told them I join and lose weight (usually about 15 pounds) and then just quit. They asked why. I was honest: I dunno.

The flab has adversely affected my sense of being. I feel ugly. I don't care much what I look like. I don't pay attention to how I dress and I don't go places because I have nothing to wear that doesn't make me feel like a fire hydrant.

My arthritis is much worse. I cannot bend my left leg up far enough to put on a sock. I am short of breath. My hips hurt when I walk the dogs, even Nigel. Sometimes they hurt so badly in the grocery store I have to stop for a moment. I think it is walking on concrete that does it, but the three thousand pounds my hips have to support isn't helping them.

Worst of all, I HATE EXERCISE. This is not new, I always have. I hated gym. I flunked it. I am not athletic. I do not get a rush from running, I cough.

But I have to get the weight off. It is imperative. I am going to have a heart attack even tho they do not run in my family. I will set a precedent. No one else in my family except one deceased Aunt after whom I am named has been fat.

I want to be skinny again. I would prefer to wake up tomorrow and discover I weigh 110. However. I guess I have to do this.

Maybe if I write it down here for other people to see, I'll do it this time.


  1. Join the club, Bev... I need to drop weight as well. Took a lot of courage to do this post. HUGS... lot more than I seem to have. Good luck.

  2. lois, buster, miss sally who & lowla the fosterJanuary 6, 2012 at 9:00 PM

    we will do it together. i started going back to the gym this week...because i look like the iceberg that downed the for me it is time...

    if i can get into the routine of 25 minute a few times a week i'll be ok...just starting is hard for me...

    so in honor of the 100th yr anniversary of the downing of the grand old lady...i will shrink the iceberg.

  3. Bev, sending lots of encouragement to you. It is hard but, in the end so worth it. As they told me, it is a lifestyle change. I do hate to exercise and don't do much. Walking the pups and up and down the stairs is about as much as I can do. Now I get the you're too skinny - just ask Deb! Hugs to you

  4. Bev, sending lots of encouragement to you. It is hard but, in the end so worth it. As they told me, it is a lifestyle change. I do hate to exercise and don't do much. Walking the pups and up and down the stairs is about as much as I can do. Now I get the you're too skinny - just ask Deb! Hugs to you

  5. Don't think of it as exercise! Just go out and do some bird wtching! Getting your body to move is the important thing! Proud of you! Good post! Keep it up!

  6. Good luck! I feel like I'm in a fat suit, but I think the zipper is stuck. It won't come off. As a former dancer, I always liked yoga and pilates, that kind of thing. After fusing a joint in my foot, the pain I had went away but I can't get up on my toes anymore. I can't do the type of exercise I always preferred and decided to sit and eat ice cream instead. Guess I need to figure something out. I'll contemplate it over the next bowl of ice cream...maybe if I search I can find "How to Lose 30 lbs Without Really Trying". I'll send you a copy if I do.
