Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 For a number of years we have dealt with the infamous Black and White Kitties of Park Forest. When we lived in the townhouses, before 1985, we were directly across the street from the Forest Preserve. Naturally, we had critters. We discovered they loved Good Humor ice cream. Never mind how we learned that.

We had a cat at that time, a real black and white longhaired kitty named Ambulance, who only once tangled with a skunk. It was long before I worked for Doc and he got a bath in tomato juice, which didn't do much really, except turn him into a black and pink cat for a long time.

(This is Ambulance, when he was elderly.)
Anyway, the point is, now that we live over here, we have the same skunk problem. Possibly not the same skunks since I do not think they live THIS long, but just as odoriferous and bold.
Last night we were beleaguered by the scent of Skunk. It seemed to be drifting aimlessly around the summerhouse, which is full of junk and which John has been trying to clean out. He thought perhaps there had been one in there, but I don't think so. They don't hide. They walk in plain sight, and they don't run.
I kept the dogs in.
Tonight the eau de skonk was immediate and strong. It wafted into the house shortly after I let the boys out. It was dark. The smell was pretty pungent. I called them in.
I went out with a flashlight. I checked the entire yard, the sheds, the garden, the gates. Nothing. The skunks have been known to live in the backyard of an abandoned house across the street, so I decided to look out front. I went out the front door and began using the flashlight between my house and Roger's.
To my horror, I heard one of the kids screaming "Mom there's someone outside! I hear someone outside!"
I immediately screamed ITS JUST ME IT'S JUST ME
and heard Cindy yelling at the kids:
You're listening to the washing machine!
You're listening to the washing machine!
So I don't think anybody heard anyone else, really,except Maria across the street heard me and came out, and dogs heard me and went ballistic so the kids were yelling at Cindy who was yelling at them and I was yelling at the dogs to be quiet.....
Maybe you had to be there.
I never have found the skunks.
But I know they're out there, waiting.

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