Sunday, September 2, 2012


Now this is just bizarre.
We have had possums, skunks, rabbits, deer,raccoons and foxes either in the yard or the immediate neighborhood and possums, skunks, coyotes and bunnies in the yard. But this.... I mean, come on, guys. This is too much.

So there we are, on a nice quiet afternoon, hot enough that we have the a/c on. John has gone someplace. Probably it was Friday. All at once the dog alarm goes off and I see Roger, my wonderful neighbor, dancing around in front trying to get my attention.

I go to the door and he tells me-- this is a sober man who knows animals-- that he has just
out of his swimming pool
under the fence
into my yard.            !!!!!
A what? Yes he says it had a blig flat tail and claws that he thought were going to shred the  lining of the pool when it clambered out, stared and Roger, jumped back in the water and did a final lap before lumbering off under the fence into my yard.

(Google images)

I don't know much about Beavers. They live in water. The day this happened it was in the mid 90's and bright and sunny. About three blocks east is a drainage ditch that angles into Central Park and eventually, maybe 6 - 8 blocks away, is a "wetlands". While we have had rain recently, I would expect the wetlands might not be that wet but it certainly is a more friendly environment than the backyards along this street.
Of course, maybe someone has a little Koi pond they treasure.......

Beavers chew wood but what do they eat? Bothersome Bassets?

They have big ole chompers, too. I would imagine they can really
I kept the boys in for a long time. It was too hot to be out anyway.
I searched the yard and found nothing except some mosquitos.

I am worried about the Beaver. I hope he found his way to wherever he had in mind to go, and that it was as nice as he envisioned.


  1. baSsets aren't on the usual chow list but their teeth are pretty nasty. they aren't the friendliest of critters. but their kits are oh so cute...& the cry like kittens...

    that is weird...oh so weird...

  2. On the news today, an 83 year old lady was swimming in a lake in Northern Va. and got bit by a rabid beaver! Better take good precautions.
