Friday, October 26, 2012


I went out with the camera today while the dogs were out. (They are still out).
It is hard for me to see Doc's growth unless I am picking him up. When he got off the plane I could tuck him under one arm and still use both hands.
Now I need both hands and both arms and to remember to take my glasses off first.

But what surprised me the most about the photos I got were two of Conley.

Now he was intended as a show dog, and he is a very nicely put together Basset, but he hates to show. The rule is, No Tail, No Ribbon. A basset must have his tail up in the ring, something Conley fairly often refuses to do.
But actually, THIS is what he looks like:

If he had done that four times in the ring, if he had stood like that on the ramp or even on the mat, he would be a champion now. I am of course biased, but I think he is beautiful.
And he stood like that for maybe a half a minute..looking for the Brat, and then....

There he was, Mr. Mouth. Looking semi-innocent. Across the yard. Staring back.

                                   He spots the Quarry.

And he and Llewis are off, after Conley...


                       Ooops I think I

                                        Overran the object

             Oh wait stop stop. You have a treat in that pocket?



  1. Good pics! How much weight has baby gained?

  2. Conley is a very handsome basset!
    Doc reminds me a lot of Mr. Cooper. Do all of their breed look similar?

  3. Mr Innocent looks twice as big!
    Cute boys
    Yvette and The Leia Hound

  4. I saw a picture of Conley today on Facebook and was immediately struck with how perfect to the basset ideal he looked.

  5. Conley is a gorgeous boy. If only dog shows could be held in your backyard....

  6. You are not biased - Conley is a handsome basset.

  7. Conley is gorgeous. And I think you can judge Doc's growth by the fact that he appears to be as big as Llewis! Diana.
